While we are currently not hiring, Prokalkeo will be looking to expand in the future. What we do is very different-we aren’t asking for any one particular skillset at this time, since what we require is a systematic understanding of how technology changes and grows, and what sort of effects that has on economics and policy.
That being said, there are some very general categories of what we’re looking for, and why. If you feel your skills apply to what we do (even if it’s not listed on this page) or you’d like to know how they might, feel free to shoot us an email anyway!
If you aren’t interested in working for us (in the near or farther future) but are interested in being filed as a subject matter expert for future consultation, just note that in your email.
All inquiries should be addressed to
Computer Science
Economic simulations, scraping the web, natural language, any sort of theoretical computer science, quantum computing, standalone desktop development, knowledge automation.
Firm dynamics, macroeconomics (with relation to technology and technology policy), econometrics, experimental economic analysis methods, experience curves.
Control systems, reverse engineering, systems engineering.
Business and Govt.
Lead acquisition, market analysis, firm analysis, technology policy
Any cutting edge system. Really. Email us and tell us about it.
As above, all inquiries and resumes should be addressed to